Saturday, September 11, 2010

Voting and Parties Cartoons

The meaning behind the cartoon for this weeks lesson on voting and political parties, is to show a combination of the types of parties and the voting system. The two dominant political parties in the United States is the Democratic and Republican parties. The Democrats are represented by the donkey and the Republicans are represented by the elephant. In the United States, political parties play a major role not only in government issues but tend to be a defining characteristic in every person. People sometimes judge based on political parties and therefore in the cartoon I wanted to depict that there are different people that vote based on their political party and demographics. The other point I wanted to depict was our voting system. The United States uses a ballot system for voting that is held based on state. There are different offices that are open for election whether it be city, county, state or federal. The United States has a unique system with defining political parties and voting practices.

See cartoon below.

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